Monday, May 18, 2009

The Power Of Words

Some people don’t truly realize the power that their words and actions can have on other people. For some words can cut deeper than any knife. When you are in an argument with someone, ESPECIALLY if it’s with someone you care about or someone who cares a lot about you. It is in times like this that we have to control the things we say, because it is in those times that you can say something you didn’t really mean out of anger. In those times the wrong comment can never be taken back.
When in a heated argument, especially when dealing with someone who may have wronged you, you must consider how they feel. Even when the other person is dead wrong and we are steaming mad, consider how sorry the other person is feeling inside. Often we are so mad that we say extremely hurtful things that may push a person to the brink. In this day and age you can never truly know what a person’s emotional mind state really is. It would be a terrible thing if the things you said out of anger made a person do something rash (and irreversible if you know what I mean…).
For those comments toward strangers consider this, you never know what is going on in someone else’s life. In a way you never know what can be going on behind the scenes in the lives of those close to you. It’s a shame when we are rude to one another without really thinking about it, half of us don’t mean it, it’s just how we have grown accustom. The simplest acts can turn someone else’s day around creating a chain reaction we can’t see. Sometimes, even in the midst of our own annoyances we can still take the time out to make a day.
Ultimately we must think both before we open our mouths and before we react. That is a lost art in today’s world. And sometimes even when we are totally uninvolved we can make a world of a difference. I have done it before in too many different accounts to name, but even I have missed opportunities. We never know how deep our actions can be. I have made some decisions to act when I saw others in distress that later on they told me may have saved their life because of how low they were feeling. We cannot always see the consequence of our actions, but we can always think before we make them.

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