Sunday, November 1, 2009

Love, Faith & Patience

Anything can be overcome with Love, Faith, and Patience. All three go hand in hand and struggle without each other. At any point in your life if you wanted to make a change, if you wanted turn things around, or get things back on track then Love, Faith and Patience is what you need.

Love is the most powerful force on the planet. Love is a common attribute that we can share with our creator. God’s love for us is so powerful that he sent his only son to die on the cross so that he may forgive us, sinners, people who are not worthy, people who are inherently wrong, people who are prone to make mistakes and transgress against him. God’s love is unmatched in that it is nearly infinite; he always makes a way, and never gives up on us, even when we sometimes give up on him. That being said it is the love that drives us and our lives, our love for our families, our love of God that makes us do the right thing, even our love of ourselves, our morals, who we are and want to be that makes us strive in the right direction. When love is focused it can have great results, it can make you the best at anything from music, to sports, or it can make you the best person in the world to someone. Focus your love, your passion, your drive, and you can achieve many things however, love needs its partners.

Faith is equally important with love; I believe God has faith in every person, no matter how far they have erred to make their way back onto the righteous path. Without faith many things are not worth your efforts. How can one achieve anything, or succeed if they do not believe it is possible? How many games will a team win if nobody on it thinks winning is possible? How far can one go if they don’t believe there is a glimmer of hope? Your attitude is so important in so many ways that simply believing in yourself can make all the difference. If you believe or have faith that you can accomplish something, then you are on the right track so long as you have the love and their binding factor, patience.
Patience is rooted in love and faith, if your love a child or a person you will have patience for them, also if you have faith that they will get it together or get it right then your patience will grow. God’s patience is incredible because for every person on this planet he will wait up to their entire lifetime so that they may find him. As with God or anything else in life, things may not come when you want them to. You must be able to endure the hardships, endure the fact that things will get better before they get worse, and have the patience to withstand it all without losing love, or faith, because without them you will lose your patience.

If one can focus their love, stand on their faith and use both to strengthen their patience, then they are truly limitless in what they accomplish. Whether you are Michael Jordan or Jackson, Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Einstein or even Barack Obama, the only way they could be who they are, as good as they are, and accomplish what they did is by using these three powers. By having Love for what they did and their purpose, by having faith that they could achieve what they wanted, and having the patience to endure until they were there, they like many others accomplished great things. So if you have a goal, or know that you can do better or need to make a change, then find your love, faith and patience and give them your all.