Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Public Priorities

Before I begin let me point out that I have spent the overwhelming majority of the past six year in the 757 area I dropped a friend off the other day over in northeast Washington, DC before riding past the old Hechinger mall on Benning Road. I had not seen this area in years and I was pleased to see the growth and development and then shocked to notice rail tracks in the far left lane. I thought to myself what is this for? Further investigation revealed a city plan to add a Rail car system to the city for the price tag of $200 Million Dollars and an addition $50 Million dollars for the design contract.

Stop, are you thinking what I am thinking? Doesn't the city already have one of the finest public transportation systems in the world? Well maybe buses don't run this route... oh wait buses cover the majority of this route? Hmm, I don't know about you but with a very successful METRO system having to raise prices to cover rising costs and so many needs flanking the city  from crumbling schools to terrible roads I find it hard to believe that such an excessive project was approved. Now I support the revitalization of many areas and I may be late ass this was approved in 2009 but this is none the less outrageous. The same purpose could have been served by expanded bus coverage for over a hundred million less. Laying the extra infrastructure along with the fact that expansion is necessary to complete and justify the project costing even more money is reprehensible given the glaring needs of the city else where.

This reeks of a statement project whose sole purpose is to be a high profile object to remember a politician by. I will admit step by step the entire city is slowly being revitalized. Some people did not support spending for the Nationals Stadium but it helped get desolate areas of the city improved. I am for improvement but not for the gentrification that is occuring in the city. I may touch on this in a later article.

Councilman Marion Barry has tried to halt the project for the reasons outlined above. Despite Marion Barry's troubled past he is known and supported for doing all he can to help the city's poorest and worse off. He was quoted as saying "I need five recreation centers in Ward 8" which is a valid point, yet here we are with a shiny new street car service, I hope its worth it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Its Always Your Own People

Make no mistake about it Washington, DC is Chocolate City. Here we have a high concentration of African Americans and not just for DC but for neighboring Prince Georges County. With a majority of the population we have a very unique view of black politics. There are very few places in the country that have majority black populations electing black leaders. That being said it saddens me when I think of black politics here in the last 25 years.

Former PG County Exec. Jack Johnson (Center) Picture from MD Gazzette
For Washington, DC city councilman Kwame Brown (Don't even get me started on that name which has already done damage in DC) is a prime example of corruption and screwing over your own people. He recently resigned in the face of alarming accusations, overspending and abuse that seems to become an alarming pattern in local black politics. former Mayor Adrian Fenty was considered a decent mayor but was voted out when people believed he "sold out" his primary constituents for the more affluent sides of town and it was discovered that numerous city contracts coincidentally went to his fraternity brothers. Former PG County executive Jack Johnson was sentenced to 7 years prison for corruption last year. He and his wife abused local government for their own gain racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars. His Wife Leslie Johnson was a PG County councilwoman who attempted to hold her council seat despite corruption charges and eventually being arrested stuffing nearly $80,000 in her underwear during an FBI raid. She was eventually convicted and sentenced to 1 year in prison

The most public and historical careers in local politics is the notorious Marion Barry. He is the former mayor of DC and most notoriously known for being video taped and arrested for drug use during his third term as Mayor. After serving six months in Jail he returned and was re-elected Mayor in 1994. Despite his shortcomings and personal struggles a former drug addict was one of the greatest politicians the city has ever had. Her related to his people during the rough crack epidemic and murder capital years. He helped turn around the crime and built community centers and worked tirelessly to help the people at the bottom of the city, those most often forgotten. At least his corruption was personal and he never gouged his own people's resources.

At the end of the day nobody is perfect and there will always be someone who disagrees on your position, but flat out ripping off the public is a monstrosity. Any public official of any race ripping off any people is a major problem nationwide and is a huge part of why so many small governments are in the red. I don't know about you, but as an area resident and African American I am outraged twice over. I may be a touch late but I am tired of this cycle. What happened to the days of running for office to better a people or better your home? Small time corruption like this that goes uncaught merely balloons as a politician works his way to the top. Think about that next time you ignore those local elections, maybe one day I will be running.