Monday, May 25, 2009

Life Is Short

Life is short, how many times we hear such a cliché, but what does it really mean to us? How often do we even think of it? Why does it take the most extreme of circumstances that we can come by in our lives before people wake up and realize that some things are more important than people’s petty differences? Far too often we don’t think about the bigger picture life has to hold when we deal in our relationships with friends and family, and even with significant others.

We are inclined to argue and “beef” with other people for the simplest of reasons. How many times do we think twice when arguing bickering and rejecting opportunities to express how we feel? People have heard the idea that at any moment you say goodbye, walk away, or turn your back on someone it may be the last time you ever see them. Being as it may, based on the things I believe we have all witnessed, experienced, or said ourselves it is clear that people do not think about such a thing. Before you decide not to say how you really feel, tell the truth, be open and honest, or end things on a bad note, beware of that fact, and be more appreciative and respective of life.

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