Friday, May 15, 2009

My First Bible

It’s amazing when one thinks of the things we buy when we get our money. Before payday hits we already know what needs to be bought and what bills we have to pay. For those of us who are Christians and who believe in Jesus Christ as our lord and savior, how many of us have bibles? And before you say of course I have one, how many of you have taken the time and money to go buy your own?

I had an old bible that I got from home; I’m not sure who bought it or where it came from. Now the most important things is having one, I’m not knocking anyone for having a bible they didn’t buy, but let’s think about that thought for a bit. The bible is god’s Holy word, our study guide for the tests of life, and the most important thing one can have in this world. Would you wear someone else’s clothes? Or shoes, or use anyone else’s hand me downs when you can buy your own? (Not knocking that either I been there) I found it funny that I realized that for all the things I buy and have bought that I did not own my own bible. So Today I went to a store and bought my first bible.

I am a saved man, and I try to be a man of Christ. That doesn’t mean I’m perfect, or try to be, it means I know and understand what god has done for me, and I do my best to be good in his eyes, even though I stray. For those of you who know me and have either never had a clue I was, or wouldn’t get that impression can understand. I am saved, yet I am like everyone else in the world, I live my life on my own terms, even when they conflict with what I know God wouldn’t approve of. I try my best, I don’t drink or do things that are normally considered wrong, and I try to be a “good guy”. However I still have fun and go to parties, dance, and things like that. I am just a normal college student.

I write this to all those out there who are lost or are struggling, even backslidden in the ways of the lord. Living for God isn’t about being perfect, not about trying to act “Holy”, but it’s about knowing and believing in him and his word for what it is the truth given from God. Also doing your best to live in his ways and minimize your transgressions against him, our sins. God knew that we as humans would fall short of his high expectations, which is why he sent his son to come and die for our sins.

Part of the problem that faces the image of the church and Christianity today are those people who you see chastising others for sinning when they are sinners themselves. Others look at them and see hypocrites, and are turned away from the word ad knowing God. That is my fear, that when I speak to someone they call me on the things I do and are turned away. That is why I am often not vocal. I still speak about the lord when I see that he is in need in someone’s life, but I am no walking street pastor.

The bottom line is for those of your out there who read this to know God, you don’t have to be perfect, he will take you as is. And for those who know him but know your relationship isn’t that strong, try seeing where you can make sacrifices for him, to improve your relationship. I turn 21 this year, and I have decided it’s time to grow up and fix those transgressions that I know I can. I will still have faults, I’m going to still sin and fall short, but I can do better from this moment forward. Many of us can do better, so ask yourself when you will take those steps. Nobody knows when our time on this earth will be up? So when you meet God on your judgment day will you be able to tell him you did your best? And lay the sins you have committed on the cross of Christ?

You who might be reading this who doesn’t know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior can take him right now, as you are. Welcome him into your life and heart, believe in him, and allow him to work on your life and change it forever. And for those of us who do know him but know we can do better, let’s make a decision to do better. I might not be in a church every Sunday morning, I might have earrings and listen to secular music, and engage in a long list of things I know god wouldn’t approve of; However I will begin to make my list shorter, so I will know in my heart that I did my best, and that’s all God really asks of us.

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