Friday, May 15, 2009

The Cycle

In life we encounter bad relationships and experiences that can have a lasting impact on our lives. Bad experiences are a part of life that have to be taken in stride and used for our own good. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason whether we know it or understand it at the time. Often times the bad experiences of life teach us things about ourselves and others that we need to know to be successful. In this particular situation I am going to cover how bad relationships have a exponentially negative effect tat we must be aware of.

There is a cycle of good people being “corrupted” by the bad. I know many guys (myself included) and girls who have been flat out ripped in a relationship while trying to do the right thing. When you face any negative thing in life you can respond either positively or negatively. Many people often respond negatively by allowing the event to change who they are for the worse by losing faith in certain aspects of life such as relationships. Therefore they act out and carry themselves like players, or become promiscuous, or even decide to change sexual orientation.

One cannot allow the negativity to drastically alter their lives, of course there will be something learned, and a period of recovery afterwards, however we must bounce back. If you are a nice person, and you have face a ton of meanness and negativity out here in the world, and you will realize the fact that it is a tough world out there. That does not mean you should stop being the nice person you are, but you will learn the toughness it takes to exist and not be walked on, and find out with who and where your kindness is effective for others and still defensive of yourself. Unfortunately sometimes people feel like its no use being kind and become the same type of person that got them to this point. If you allow people or experiences to alter you like that, you give them power over you!

On the opposite end of this are those who go through something and don’t learn from it. There is nothing worse than making a mistake, and not learning from it so you end up doing it again. No matter where and if you fall in any of these categories know that the bad things in life are there to teach us something. It’s ok to be upset, and even a bit down about something, but after a while you have to stand up and be the person you would be no matter what, by learning from mistakes, and not becoming the same thing that hurt you.

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