Monday, July 22, 2013

The Truth About The Democratic Party

The Democratic Party has pulled off the greatest caper in the last 100 years. Somehow, they have convinced about 90% of every minority in the country that their party is the Democratic Party. I will say the Republican Party deserves some blame for this as they have increasingly lost touch with all reality. Amazingly the party that wanted to keep slavery intact and shot down the Civil Rights bill before seizing the very opportunity that got them into this positioning with a later version of the same bill has proven to be firmly entrenched as the party of all minorities.

As an African American what has this relentless support got us in the last 30 years? Think about it. When is the last time a presidential candidate visited a major city? Full of a diverse minority population of either party? There are entire regions that get ignored by both parties due to the fact that many often blindly support the Democratic Party without criticism or question. We have unfortunately placed ourselves in a very powerless position.  We get flat out ignored by democrats because they know they already have the minority vote. This is why there are no campaign stops in New York, LA or Chicago. Sadly on the other end of the spectrum we are so far entrenched into being "Blue" that Republican candidates equally don't bother. Why should they? They would be ignored left and right and no matter how great a message they could put together nobody would care, as if elephants were symbolic of lying demons.

The Republican Party was one founded amongst abolitionists looking to end slavery. The very election of Republican President Lincoln tore the country in half as Southern Democrats fought to keep their institution of slavery in place. This is why Fredrick Douglass was a Republican as was Martin Luther King Jr. In fact many great figures in African American history such as Zora Neale Hurston, Jackie Robinson, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and Booker T. Washington were all Republicans. It was Southern Democrats that created Jim Crow laws and despised minorities legally, and literally.

It is time people wake up, do the research and educate themselves about what their positions and parties are. Being a black Republican has nothing to do with your finances our "selling out" or being bourgeois. These words have for far too long held back education and exploration about the history of the political parties and why we hold our political stances. The purpose of this article is not to say that minorities should not be Democrats, the purpose is to reexamine why. Far too long the masses have been convinced that the Democrats somehow care more as if both parties don’t do the exact same things in office. The only difference is the spin put on it by the politicians and the media outlets. Be an educated and informed people, know your elected officials and hold them accountable, especially at the local level. Think about why your voting for who you voting the next time you cast a vote, and quit allowing the wool to be pulled over your eyes.

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