Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Grand Absurd Party

Before I begin this lambasting let it be known that I am a registered Independent. I side with each party depending on the issue at hand. I do not believe in painting across all issues with a broad brush (following the views of one party), each is delicate and deserves its own opinions and responses. That being said The Republican "Grand Old Party" is losing its grip on credibility. They are struggling with the blow of a second term by President Obama, and are tasked with negotiating a myriad of financial issues to prevent the infamous "fiscal cliff". It is known that Republicans oppose tax hikes for Americans, especially wealthy Americans.

President Obama wants to raise taxes on families earning $250,000 or more annually. That's a quarter million dollars of annual income or more. He also wants to extend existing taxes cuts for all those who make less than $250,000. The Democrats want to separate the vote for each action (obviously The Republicans would not dare say no to extending cuts for those earning less) , Republicans however want to put it all together either extending cuts for all or none at all in order to protect the wealthier citizens.

Let it be known there is nothing wrong with making money and one day I intend to fall in that higher bracket. That being said if there was a vote clearly (due to sheer numbers) the majority of Americans support this idea. Republican Speaker Boehner crafted a compromise that raised taxes for those making more than $1,000,000 (that's right 1 million). His own party backed out on him leaving him looking foolish and the whole GOP looking awful.

There are so many Republicans who have taken pledges not to raise taxes and this failure to compromise is proof. In order to create a balanced budget there must be reductions in spending (cuts) and revenue increases (taxes). If that is a fact how can Republicans negotiate in good faith when they refuse to raise taxes. That's like saying I'm here to negotiate but let it be known this is how its gonna be. It's insanity. Their failure to compromise and meet halfway for the well being of the majority of America (because you can't make everyone happy) should cost all of them their jobs.

I honestly believe that the notion of both parties should fall so that people vote how they really feel on each issue and not just what their party says. Until then we have this political warfare being played with American lives being impacted. One side has come to the table to play, it's time for the GOP to stop looking crazy and compromise. If this fiscal cliff actually happens then all Republicans should be voted out of office for failure to lead toward compromise. They are the ones who took pledges. They are the ones who refuse to budge. They believe in holding fast to principle and pledges to Grover Norquist over what's best for the country as a whole. It's time for them to come and propose a compromise that they can support otherwise it should be them that suffers rising unemployment and that's my Profound Perspective.

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