Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Price of Free Speech

As an American nothing is more precious that our rights. Rights are the very reasons the settlers traveled across an ocean to land never seen and barely heard of to found a new nation. Rights are the reason this fledgling country went to war with the greatest military empire in the history of the world. Rights have created social issues that have torn the fabric of this nation on more than one occasion. With every sacrifice and drop of blood shed on every foreign continent is was always in the name of the rights and freedoms we have here in America. So why is it that now, 236  years after the founding of this nation, 147 years after the end of the civil war and the end of slavery, and only 48 years since the passing of the civil rights act does it seem that we have less rights than ever?

Multiple rights are eroded based on state laws, job and position and the ever growing push toward political correctness in America.You have the right to bear arms yet in most states there are so many regulations on gun ownership that it has become impractical. You have the right to a fair trial and a jury of your peers yet rarely is the jury a population sample that is reflective of the age and race of the accused. The most glaring issue that made me write this article is the erosion of the right to free speech.

Speaking your mind in America is perfectly fine so long as you do not hold any public office, or legitimate job. We live in a world where words; spoken, written or even tweeted can cost you your job. It is one thing when your comments are beyond inflammatory and racist or hate fueled. Its another when comments whether seemingly harmless or not are blown out of proportion. Just ask Roland Martin, who lost his position with CNN for these tweets during the Superbowl, or Ozzie Guillen who said that he respected Fidel Castro for his ability to survive with so many enemies. Outside of public celebrities this man was fired for expressing outrage that the NFL team he worked for released one of its legends. There are plenty of examples that you will find where a simple comment, Tweet or Facebook post can damage a persons life.

It is one thing when your comments reveal a lie or betray company secrets, its another when they are pure expressions of opinion true free speaking on an issue controversial or not. Its sad when an opinion in this world can cost you your job, where is the freedom in that? If we truly have the freedom to speak and express in words, writing and any other art forms the we should be able to due so without the constant peril of consequence. I am not advocating recklessness, but expression, freedom to have an opinion and share it with those whom are willing to hear. Unfortunately in today's world we must be careful what we say, because your freedom to speak has a price...

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