The Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedy has once again sparked the debate for gun control legislation. After each unfortunate mass shooting in America there is a discussion for gun control. It has been pushed back to prevent a knee jerk reaction many times before however I feel as though now is the time it will not be ignored.
Many times people have called for an all out ban on guns, I do not believe this is a reasonable response as it would punish law abiding citizens. Furthermore the last time I checked criminals do not make legal gun purchases anyways. I am split on parts of this issue. I believe in the right to carry handguns (concealed carry as well) and to own all weapons for reasonable self defense and hunting. What I do not believe in is the right to own fully automatic rifles with 100 round drums .
There is a limit to the weapons we are allowed to own. I can't own a nuke or a fully armed F-22 or Tank if I could afford it (extreme examples of course) so where do we draw this line? Fully automatic Uzis and high powered fully automatic rifles have no place in self defense or hunting. These are war machines capable of cutting down large crowds.
Let it be known that most of the killing done in Newtown, CT and Aurora, CO were done with handguns and shotguns, weapons that I support having. These weapons were tools used by the deranged to cause carnage. I believe in the right to bear arms. I also believe it has reasonable limitations as well just like the first amendment. I cannot yell fire in a crowded place and hide behind free speech. Therefore one should not be able to own impractical war machines and say its my second amendment right.
There must be reasonable concessions on both sides. There are too many states that make it nearly impossible to own and carry firearms. Nobody has to justify having a right to free speech and neither should I have to justify my right to carry a firearm. There are certain places where the average joe shouldn't be able to carry (but police still can) such as private business who decided they do not welcome guns (no different than declining someone who has no shirt shoes, etc) and places where there is a security risk (government facilities, courthouses, etc). The NRA came out with a poorly worded response to the tragedy and its aftermath. They may have meant well but they came off as right wing maniacs. I actually support having armed officers and guards in schools. As a matter of a fact recent studies have shown that 1 in 3 schools already have armed personnel (mostly high schools). Now I am not going as far as requiring armed teachers and administrators however children are precious cargo and they should be given reasonable protection to guard against the unthinkable.
Timothy McVeigh used household ingredients to kill 168 people and injure over 800. More children died that day than in Newtown a week ago. I say that not to compare atrocities but to site that the deranged will always find ways to harm. The tools are not to blame and banning guns wont stop madmen from killing. This country is a violent culture than can be negotiated just fine for all those mentally healthy. Violence in media is not the cause of societies problems. I find it more alarming to kill a large animal then butcher it for food (which has gone on for centuries) than it is to watch a fictional gunfight. The true underlying problem with these killings is what leads me into my next post. The true problem with these mass killings is Mental Health in America.
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