I sit here pondering all that has happened to my family and in my personal life in the past year and I can humbly admit that I have given love a bad name. I think many of us are guilty of such at times. We let the frustrations of life build to a point of no return until the explode on the unsuspecting bystander which is usually a loved one. We all take out pain, anger, dissapointment, and frustration in ways we may not even think about or notice. The key is to not let it put a strain on your loved ones and those who care about you.
When it does boil over make sure you fix it. Pride can be a terrible thing, be willing to come back and admit your anger and frustration and your own wrongdoing. If you have been done wrong do not let your hurt close your heart to those who are trying to apologize. Life is so precious and so short to allow our emotions to destroy relationships in the heat of a single moment.
Too often I have seen family members, friends, lovers, separate and not speak all because of often petty arguments. Be willing to admit and understand when and how your wrong. Be willing to work to fix it. Sometimes there are situations when a person is not worth your time but there are also situations where we can give love a bad name.